HEDAC Scholarship Program: Supporting Education Beyond Sixth Grade
In 2008, HEDAC launched a scholarship program to help children in Morazan continue their education beyond the sixth grade, the level mandated by the government. Many parents could not afford the fees associated with attending the seventh grade and beyond, while others had their children drop out to help in the fields. Recognizing this challenge, HEDAC initiated the scholarship program to ensure more children could stay in school.
Having spent so much time in the schools with relief efforts and facility improvements, the next logical step was to help keep kids in school beyond the sixth grade. The program provided financial support in various forms, including purchasing uniforms, covering transportation costs, and buying supplies like backpacks, notebooks, pens, and scissors. Additionally, mentoring was offered to guide students through their educational journey.
Over the course of a decade, 196 students benefited from this program, with some receiving support from seventh grade all the way through to high school graduation. The program aimed to address the financial barriers that prevented many children from continuing their education, providing them with the necessary resources to succeed academically.
Despite its noble intentions, the nine-year program met with mixed results and is currently on hold. Nonetheless, the effort underscored HEDAC’s commitment to supporting education and highlighted the ongoing need for such initiatives in communities where financial constraints limit educational opportunities.